Dry Branch Fire Squad

Hilarious bluegrass & old-time music stalwarts.

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Visit Dry Branch online: www.drybranchfiresquad.com

For 40 years Dry Branch Fire Squad has been playing aggressively traditional bluegrass music. They have been decades long favorites of the Prism and this time find themselves playing at the charming C’ville Coffee venue. Founded and led by the truly one of a kind Ron Thomason (mandolin, guitar), the band includes Tom Boyd (banjo), Jeff Byrd (bass) and Adam Macintosh (guitar). But the band is not defined only by the great musicianship and vocal talent of it’s players. A DBFS show will also include the intricately woven and hilarious stories of Ron Thomason. His small town, country wisdom becomes the basis for launching (sometimes scathing) observations on the hypocrisy of modern society. Always seemingly teaching lessons with a fabulous sense of humor.